速報APP / 商業 / Guddu Smart Office

Guddu Smart Office





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Guddu Smart Office(圖1)-速報App

A well Design and integrated GUDDU Smart Office a complete solution of enterprise suits their business process.A custom Human Resources solution can bring automations and increases the efficiency of intier business by manifolds.

Including as many Featuers as possible in an GUDDU Smart Office can increase itsa usability. GUDDU Smart Office is visually appealling and highly functional for its to ensure great Digital Exereance Pelatform for users.The purpose of GUDDU Smart Office is to pass on grater benfits for any enterprises via automation and reducing data redundancy.

1-Improved Communaction , 2- Grater Scability, 3- Going Paperless, 4- Deep Analysis, 5- Complete Access Control, 6- Empolyee Satisfication ,

7-Faster Recuritement


Guddu Smart Office(圖2)-速報App

* UHF RF ID Attendance management

* Tracking Feild Employee Real-Time Location

* Responsive Web Portal

* Employee Self Serve

* Payroll Processing management

Guddu Smart Office(圖3)-速報App

* Document management

* Recruitment life -cycle management

* Leave management

* Unified Central Dashboard

* User Access Control

Guddu Smart Office(圖4)-速報App

* Claims and Expense management

* Policy and Compliance management

Guddu Smart Office(圖5)-速報App